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Half Term Holidays Monday 24th February to Friday 28th February. Pupils back in school on Monday 3rd March.

Art Club



Art club runs on Tuesdays after school until 4.15pm in Miss Edwards’ Nursery classroom. Art club is run by Miss Edwards, Miss Gauci and Mrs Lennox.

During Art club we look at different types of Art and craft.




Piet Mondrian


Today, we are taking inspiration from artist, Piet Mondrian.

Art club are working on their newspaper owls! 🦉

Tonight in Art Club, we did some observational drawings. We each had glasses of flowers and had to draw what we saw. We took our time and the results definitely show this! 

It was time for masks! We designed our masks first then used our designs to paint our masks! 

Spring Term

After we had practised on the half animal faces we moved on... to our own faces!

We drew them first and then worked really hard to use paint to complete our self portraits. 

Art club members are continually showing perseverance, concentration and creativity!  


New children have joined Art Club this half term. We started Art Club by gaining inspiration from Tinga Tinga and creating patterned animals! 

Autumn Term


Art Club during the Autumn Term was a busy one!

We painted self portraits, created fruit paper mache bowls, created large scale art and looked at and created Pop Art pictures. 
