We will be holding our Nursery sports day on Monday 18th July. It will be at 10 AM for the Morning Nursery and 12:45 for Afternoon Nursery. The sport’s day will have a pirate theme and we encourage all children to dress in fancy dress as pirates. If you don’t have a costume, children can wear shorts and T-shirt. We will make pirate hats in Nursery that the children may choose to wear.
Please could you bring in egg boxes that hold 6 eggs. We need at least 1 per child, if you have any extras, they would be gratefully received. We are running short of spare girls pants in Nursery. Please could you wash and return any that have been sent home and we would welcome any donations. We are also looking for donations of unwanted wellies and balance bikes.
Thank you for your enthusiastic support throughout the year.
Mrs Reeves, Mrs Leonard & Mrs Liddington
A warm welcome to all the new children and thank you to our established members of nursery for being so kind and helpful.
Our topic this half term is 'light and dark'. We will be learning about the difference between day and night and playing with shadows. Encourage your children to spot their shadows when they are out and talk about their size and shape. Can they catch or lose their shadow?
If your child is likely to have a toileting accident, it would be helpful if you could send in a spare change of clothes in a bag. If you would like to donate any unwanted clothes, particularly trousers or leggings, we would be grateful.
If your child is showing signs that they are ready to write e.g. choosing to pick up pencils, pens, crayons and making marks on paper etc. I have sent home a letter formation sheet to show you the way we will be forming letters in school. Many of the children are not ready for formal writing and need more time playing with playdough and other toys to build up the muscles in their hands. It is important that all learning is fun.
Could all parents dropping off for afternoon nursery at 12:45 please wait outside the gates for a member of nursery staff as the Reception children come out to play and we need to ensure their safety.
Thank you for your support.
We have had a busy few weeks in Nursery.
Thank you to everyone who supported our Harvest celebrations. I was thrilled to see the children taking part and enjoying themselves during the performances. Thank you also for your generous donations to Cardiff Foodbank.
The children have enjoyed sharing their messages about why they are loved so much and the photos of themselves as babies. We have begun looking at some scrap books about what the children like and it is developing their confidence to share their ideas with their friends.
We have had visits from a baby brother (& Mum), a Road Safety Officer and will be meeting some expecting Mums this week while we learn about families and ourselves.
As part of our learning we have practiced the sounds: s, a, t, p, using Jolly Phonics and are practicing forming the letter shapes in lots of ways. We are practicing touch counting using lots of different objects. We are learning about shapes and sorting objects by colour.
We will be asking your children 'Why do your families love you so much?' Please could you tell your children (and write a sentence for them to bring in) about why you love them so much.
Thank you
Mrs Reeves
Welcome to Nursery!
The children have settled in happily and are enjoying exploring and learning.
Out topic this half term is called, 'Why do you love me so much?'. We will be talking about each other's families and why we are all special.
Please could you send in a picture of your child as a baby (labelled on the back) for the children to show to their friends. We will be talking about when the children were babies and how much they have grown.
We have starting learning sounds in nursery through the Jolly Phonics scheme. If you would like to practice at home use the link to hear the song that links to 'S'.
The children have enjoyed feeding teddy cakes. To play the game click below:
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Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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