Children learn from everyday life and a simple trip to the shops can show your child that learning is not only fun it is a vital part of their lives that will be with them as they grow up.
Make all learning FUN - please don't tell them that they will be no good at Maths as you were never good at the subject! Maths teaching and learning has changed since your day!
We take great pride in showing and modelling good learning all of the time in school. Even Mr Skinner who is really old learns something new everyday!
We will be holding a series of meetings in the new year so that you can help your child to develop their literacy skills through our phonics approach, how you can play a vital part in their learning of number bonds and how we use various hardware to develop their digital literacy skills in order to enhance their learning.
Please keep an eye out for the dates of the meetings which will be held during the evening.
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