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Half Term Holidays Monday 24th February to Friday 28th February. Pupils back in school on Monday 3rd March.

Rio de Vida

Rio de Vida Home Learning Tasks

We have created another set of topic based activities linked to each area of learning.

To end this topic in school we would normally hold a Year 1 Carnival. As this will not be possible this year we would like to try and create a virtual carnival video instead. If your child completes the mask, flag or instrument tasks could you please keep these safe. Later on in the term we will send a request through SeeSaw for you to video your child dressed ready for our carnival with their mask, flag or instrument. These videos will be used to create our virtual Year 1 Carnival and be uploaded to YouTube and linked on Twitter. 

(If you do not wish your child to be a part of this video for social media, then you will not need to send us a video).

Supporting Materials

Expressive Arts

Samba/Carnival Music

Rio - Samba do Brasil

Samba & Brazilian Music

Health and Well-being
Language, Literacy and Communication
Science and Technology
Mathematical Development