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Half Term Holidays Monday 24th February to Friday 28th February. Pupils back in school on Monday 3rd March.

Terrific Tuesdays

Terrific Tuesdays (Year 1’s ‘Messy Monday’)

As of Tuesday 20th September, please could you send your children into school wearing old clothes and provide your child with a change of clothes. We would like to ask each child to contribute just 50p each week (bought to school on Tuesday mornings). This will be to help us fund the resources your children need to make their messy activities terrific!

Andy Goldsworthy - Outdoor Natural Art

Looking after wildlife - making bird feeders

Making and Painting Clay Aliens

Tuesday 29th November - Fantastic imaginative play in the Mud Kitchen.

Lots of FUN was had during our first Terrific Tuesday! Here are some photographs of what we got up to...

We were so lucky to have had such lovely weather, so lots of fun was had in the Mud Kitchen! We also explored colour mixing with large scale painting outside and a skittles experiment inside. The children loved watching the crayons melt with the hairdryer. All in all a truly TERRIFIC Tuesday had by ALL!!
