Nursery 2017-18
Nursery Graduation
We've had a fantastic year in Nursery full of adventures, excitement and laughter. We had a graduation to celebrate our year of achievements.
We are so busy throughout our weeks in Nursery we've started doing Yoga on a Friday to relax ready for the weekend ahead.
Yoga has become one of our favourite things to do!
Royal Wedding Part 2
Following our very successful wedding party, the celebrations didn't end there. The boys and girls had had such fun finding out about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex they wanted to send them something. We wrote them a letter and included some photos of our party. Miss Edwards posted our letter and we're waiting patiently for our reply...
On Friday 18th May, Nursery celebrated the Royal Wedding. We did lots of preparation by learning about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and made crowns and hats ready for our party. We had such a fantastic time! We had a tea party, wore royal masks, played pin the tiara on the princess and danced the session away!
What colour can you make?
We've been mixing colours! Look what colours we made...
Mrs Rainbow
We read a story all about a lady called Mrs Rainbow. She loved every colour of the rainbow and showed it through her painted house, colourful clothes and even her colourful hair! We used an iPad to draw colourful hair just like Mrs Rainbow.
What's your favourite colour?
How many colours in a rainbow?
Our new topic is based all around colour. We will be doing lots of exciting and creative things this half term.
Spring has Sprung
The children have been so busy looking at different signs of Spring. Following our Spring walk, we thought about what represents Spring and created beautiful Spring pictures.
We're Going on a Spring Hunt
Goodbye Winter, so long snow! It's time to watch the flowers grow!
The sun was finally shining on Howardian Nursery so we put on our coats, picked up our checklists and headed out around the school on a Spring walk.
We saw daffodils and blossom, we heard birds tweeting and we felt the sun shining down on our faces.
World Book Day 2018
"Between the pages of a book is a wonderful place to be..."
It's World Book Day in Nursery, the snow may have delayed the celebrations but we got here eventually!
Look how fabulous all the children look in their outfits. The children discussed their favourite book and who they were dressed as today.
Eisteddfod 2018
Due to the school being closed as advised by the Council, the Eisteddfod will be rearranged for a later date.
Thank you for all your help with your children's crafts they are all fabulous!
Fantastic Friday
Fantastic Friday is one of our favourite days of the week.
We've been very busy this half term getting messy!
Pancake Day 2018
We have had a fantastic pancake day in Nursery. We began the day with learning all about why people cook pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.
Next we made the batter to cook our own pancakes. We made sure we were very careful with the ingredients and how could we make it through the day without flipping?!
We finished the day by trying our delicious pancakes - we tried syrup, jam or chocolate toppings, yummy!
Ice Explorers
This topic has certainly been a chilly one. So today, we explored ice.
We used fantastic describing words when we spoke about the ice; "cold", "freezing", "it's like an ice lolly", "it's so slippery!".
We made predictions on what would happen if we left the ice by a warm radiator. When we checked back later we found we were right! The ice had melted and we were left with a big puddle.
Nature Reserve Trip
I send my apologies for having to postpone the Nursery Nature Reserve trip.
I will be sending letters out shortly with a rearranged date.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Miss Edwards
Parents Form Prezi Presentation
Please click the link to access the Parents Forum presentation:
You may need to sign up to Prezi for free to access this presentation.
Friday 13th October 2017
Family Visit
We are so excited to invite the children's families to visit our Nursery on Friday 13th October. The children have settled in so well and we can't wait to share our learning environment with you. The visit is to give families the opportunity to see where their child explores everyday and see what exciting activities we get up to.
Session times are normal for the children; 9:00 - 11:30 and 12:45 - 3:10, however families are invited into the Nursery at 11:00am for the morning session and 2:45pm for the afternoon session. If you arrive at reception a member of Nursery staff will come and collect you to bring you down to the Nursery.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Miss Edwards, Mrs Leonard and Mrs Noaks
The Lost Bear
Oh no! Miss Edwards has discovered a Bear... and not a happy bear at that!
The children worked out that this Bear had become lost and a bit hurt, so, they decided to help. They wanted to give him a bath and wrap him up in plasters and bandages.
We weren't sure who he belonged to so we put posters around the school.
What great news - Miss Griffiths spotted our posters and came to collect her bear - he belonged to her all along!
Da iawn boys and girls, without your help, Bear would still be lost and sad!
How do you feel today?
This week we have been looking at emotions.
We've been thinking about how we feel and what makes us feel that way.
Look how our faces change when we are happy, angry and sad.
A special visitor
We had a special visitor in Nursery.
A baby came to see us!
We were so excited about our visitor we decided to wash our own baby dolls.
We were so careful and caring towards our baby dolls - they were absolutely sparkling by the time we had finished!
Croeso i'r Meithrin!
Welcome to the Nursery!
Welcome to the Nursery class page. We are looking forward to the exciting year ahead.
Please check the page for any updates and notices, as well as our twitter page @Howardian2024.
Thank you!
Miss Edwards, Mrs Leonard and Mrs Noaks.
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