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Half Term Holidays Monday 24th February to Friday 28th February. Pupils back in school on Monday 3rd March.


Maths at Howardian

If you were unable to attend our Maths Open Morning, here's the presentation that was shared with parents:

Year 3 Big Maths Spring Term

This term, we will be focusing on learning the 4 x table.

We will also be working on addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers .

We hope to be secure on adding 2-digit numbers to equal 100.

We will be learning about telling the time and fractions.

Year 3 Big Maths Learn Its, Autumn Term.

Children are to become secure with the 3 x table.

They need to be able to recall multiplication facts and their associated division facts quickly.

Resources to support your child can be found on the top marks website:


Games to use include:

  • Hit the button
  • Daily 10 
  • Dartboard Multiplication

Whilst our focus is on the 3 x table, it is always worth revising x2 x5 and x10 and to begin working on x4.

Many thanks,

The Year 3 Team. 
