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Comic relief Day - Friday 15th March.

Languages, Literacy & Communication

Languages, Literacy & Communication


Nursery Rhymes

Nursery rhymes play such an important role in developing children's language and communication skills. 

We regularly use our 'singing spoons' to sing a variety of nursery rhymes during our sessions and this year we hope to take part in:

- National Nursery Rhyme Week 

- Pori Drwy Stori - It's Time to Rhyme! 




In Nursery we learn how to use books, for example, holding them the correct way up, turning pages, pointing to words and talking about the pictures etc.

We regularly share stories and talk about books during 'Amser Stori' and it's great to see children independently applying these skills in the book corner. 



Early Mark Making 

One of our favourite days of the week is Thursday, where we take part in Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle or Dough Disco!

During these sessions, we use dance and large body movements with music to develop our fine motor skills which we will later need for writing. 
